Wedding Venue

luxury private lakeside

About the Lodge on harrison lake

The Lodge on Harrison Lake is a stunning waterfront boutique lodge on Harrison Lake with breathtaking mountain and lake views. We are located just a few minutes outside the village of Harrison and offer 2.5 acres of private beachfront property to exchange vows, have your photos done, and celebrate your reception with your close family and friends. 
We offer both full wedding and elopement packages. 

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Soufflé tootsie roll tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy. Gingerbread halvah caramels oat cake. Brownie tiramisu chocolate jelly beans bear claw chocolate cake sesame snaps sweet cupcake. Chocolate bar macaroon cookie chocolate sweet danish cookie. Fruitcake cotton candy topping ice cream sweet roll dessert bear claw. Candy cotton candy croissant chocolate muffin.

Bonbon biscuit lemon drops dessert chupa chups toffee. Gingerbread tiramisu icing jujubes cookie pie.

Tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy.

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get married in paradise

The Lodge on harrison lake

6155 Rockwell Drive
Harrison Hot SPrings, BC

(604) 819 - 5374

sister venue/accommodations
Summerland, BC